Quantum PICO Technologies technology has been making strides in recent years, and the field of Picoscopy.com is no exception. As part of quantum pico technologies, Picoscopy opens up new opportunities for businesses, technology companies, scientists, and industries alike. It is based on the latest discoveries and research in quantum mechanics and the control of entanglement, which allows for a quantum leap in the development of technology.  One of the most exciting aspects of Picoscopy is its potential to revolutionize the manufacture of quantum computers. This is because of its ability to manipulate the spin-electron entanglement of electrons, which is key to the functioning of quantum computers. This manipulation of entanglement is what makes Picoscopy so powerful and opens up a new era in the development of quantum technology.  The impact of Picoscopy on the field of quantum technology is significant and far-reaching. It has the potential to revolutionize not just the manufacture of quantum computers, but also a wide range of industries, including computer manufacturing technology and industry. This new technology will enable the creation of faster and more efficient quantum computers, which will have a significant impact on the way we live and work. 

In conclusion, Picoscopy is an exciting new development in the field of quantum technology. Its ability to manipulate the entanglement of electrons and its potential to revolutionize the manufacture of quantum computers make it a valuable tool for businesses and industries alike. As the field of Picoscopy continues to evolve, we can expect to see new and exciting developments that will shape the future of technology and our lives.

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The new frontier of quantum technology – PICOSCOPY!




We are from Ukraine and we are making a quantum leap for humanity.

Picoscopy is the latest technological breakthrough of the 21st century!

 Picoscopy as a part of quantum pico technologies opens up new opportunities for business and technology companies and scientists, as well as industry and computer manufacturing technology based on the latest discoveries and the latest research in the field of quantum mechanics and control entanglement, which allows you to create a quantum leap in the development of technology for the manufacture of quantum computers based on the effect of spin-electron entanglement of electrons, the latest space materials that can be several times lighter but more refractory.

Quantum technologies have made significant advances in recent years, and the field of picoscopy is no exception. As a part of quantum picotechnology, picoscopy opens up new opportunities for businesses, technology companies, scientists, and industry. It is based on the latest discoveries and research in quantum mechanics and entanglement control, enabling a quantum leap in technology development.

Quantum technologies have made significant advances in recent years, and the field of picoscopy is no exception. As a part of quantum picotechnology, picoscopy opens up new opportunities for businesses, technology companies, scientists, and industry. It is based on the latest discoveries and research in quantum mechanics and entanglement control, allowing for a quantum leap in technology development.  One of the most exciting aspects of picoscopy is its potential to revolutionize the production of quantum computers. This is due to its ability to manipulate the spin-electron entanglement of electrons, which is key to the functioning of quantum computers. This entanglement manipulation makes picoscopy so powerful and opens a new era in the development of quantum technologies. The impact of picoscopy on the field of quantum technologies is significant and far-reaching. It has the potential to revolutionize not only the production of quantum computers, but also a wide range of industries, including computer manufacturing technology and industry. This new technology will enable the creation of faster and more efficient quantum computers, which will have a significant impact on the way we live and work.

In conclusion, picoscopy is an exciting new development in the field of quantum technology. Its ability to manipulate the entanglement of electrons and its potential to revolutionize the production of quantum computers make it a valuable tool for both business and industry.


One of the most exciting aspects of picoscopy is its potential to revolutionize the production of quantum computers. This is due to its ability to manipulate the spin-electron entanglement of electrons, which is key to the functioning of quantum computers. This entanglement manipulation makes picoscopy so powerful and opens a new era in the development of quantum technologies.

  The impact of picoscopy on the field of quantum technologies is significant and far-reaching. It has the potential to revolutionize not only the production of quantum computers, but also a wide range of industries, including computer manufacturing technology and industry. This new technology will enable the creation of faster and more efficient quantum computers, which will have a significant impact on the way we live and work.

   In conclusion, picoscopy is an exciting new development in the field of quantum technology. Its ability to manipulate electron entanglement and its potential to revolutionize the production of quantum computers make it a valuable tool for both business and industry. As the field of picoscopy continues to evolve, we can expect to see new and exciting developments that will shape the future of technology and our lives.”

The unique fundamental development based on quantum physics and the latest achievements in quantum mechanics, namely the theory of quantum entanglement, and the Nobel Prize for the scientists who discovered and proved the effect of quantum entanglement, allows us to assert the development of a new round in physics and quantum chemistry – PICOSCOPY and PICOELECTRONICS.

Our scientific development and state-of-the-art software based on artificial intelligence and fundamental physical formulas of quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement enables us to develop new areas of science – quantum chemistry and visualization of molecules at the picosecond level (10-9).


Thanks to our fundamental technologies and state-of-the-art software, which allows us to process atomographic images taken with an atomic force microscope and increase the resolution by a factor of up to a thousand.

We are the first in the world to look into the world of molecular structures and our latest research in picoatomography allows us to claim that we have discovered the effect of quantum lawfulness, not only have we discovered it, but our technologies allow us to visualize quantum entanglement, which makes it possible to create new types of quantum computers and spin-electronic computers that are an order of magnitude, 1000 times faster in computation and more technologically advanced than existing quantum computers.

Our discovery and visualizations of quantum entanglement allow us to shape the technological processes that make it possible to create electron spin computers, as well as processors, RAM memory, and other quantum entangled components of a new kind of computer – the electron spin entangled  computer.

The quantum entanglement of electron spins allows for faster and more energy-efficient information transfer, which could potentially lead to the development of faster and more efficient quantum computers known as pico quantum Picoelectronics. However, this is still an active area of research and development, and its practical applications are not yet fully realized

The effect of quantum spin entanglement allows us to create incredibly huge advantages in energy efficiency and performance, because we know how, from the fundamental laws of the consequences of quantum entanglement, the speed of information and spin vector transmission almost exceeds the speed of light. And this makes it possible to create the following technologies

Picocurrent picoelectronics – new types of computers that are a thousand times faster than existing quantum computers, and their power consumption is much lower, using technology and fundamental physical discoveries based on the quantum entanglement of electron spins.

Quantum entanglement is a property of quantum systems in which two or more particles are coupled in such a way that their quantum states are correlated. This allows for faster and more efficient transmission of information between entangled particles than by traditional methods. The concept of quantum entanglement has been explored in various fields, including quantum computing. In quantum computing, entanglement is used to create quantum bits (qubits) that can store and process information in a way that is fundamentally different from classical bits.

The potential for using entanglement in quantum computing has led to the development of picocurrent picotronics, a new type of quantum computer that uses the unique properties of entanglement to achieve faster and more efficient computing. It is believed that these computers are capable of processing information at a speed that is a thousand times faster than existing quantum computers and with much lower power consumption.

However, the development of pico quantum picotronics is still in its early stages, and there are many technical and scientific challenges that need to be overcome before these computers become a reality. Nevertheless, the potential benefits of pico quantum picotronics have generated considerable interest in the scientific community and have stimulated ongoing research and development in this area.


Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical property where the quantum states of two or more particles are correlated. This correlation allows quantum information to be transferred between entangled particles at speeds that exceed the speed of light and that which is possible by classical means. This entanglement property has been proposed as a means of building faster and more efficient quantum computers. A quantum computer based on the scientific theory of quantum entanglement of electron spins would use the entanglement of electron spins as a basic building block to create qubits, the quantum equivalent of classical bits. Electron spin is a quantum mechanical property of electrons that can be used to store and process information. When two or more electrons are entangled, the spin state of one electron becomes correlated with the spin state of the other, allowing quantum information to be transferred between them.

One of the challenges of developing a quantum computer based on electron spin entanglement is the difficulty of controlling and maintaining entanglement. In order to maintain entanglement, the system must be isolated from external sources of noise and decoherence that can lead to the collapse of the entangled state. This requires the use of advanced techniques, such as quantum error correction and quantum control, to maintain entanglement and ensure system stability.

In addition to the technical challenges, there are also scientific questions that need to be addressed, such as how to increase the number of qubits in the system and how to efficiently transfer quantum information between qubits. The development of a quantum computer based on (entanglement of) electron spins will require advances in many fields of science and technology, including materials science, quantum optics, and computer engineering.

The field of picoscopy and quantum entanglement is making waves in the world of science and technology, and it has the potential to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry as well. This is due to the unique properties of quantum entanglement, which allow for an unprecedented level of precision and control in molecular and cellular processes.

   In the pharmaceutical industry, picoscopy and quantum entanglement can be used to design and develop new drugs with increased efficacy and reduced side effects. The ability to precisely control molecular and cellular processes opens up new avenues for the development of targeted and personalized medicine. For example, by using picoscopy to manipulate electron entanglement in specific cells or tissues, scientists can selectively target and modify certain processes without affecting other parts of the body.

In addition, picoscopy and quantum entanglement have the potential to significantly increase the speed and accuracy of drug discovery and development. Thanks to the ability to precisely control molecular and cellular processes, scientists can quickly test and validate new drug candidates, reducing the time and resources required for drug development.  Consequently, the science of picoscopy and quantum entanglement could have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry. By enabling new levels of precision and control in molecular and cellular processes, it has the potential to revolutionize the way new drugs are designed, developed, and tested. As this field continues to evolve, we can expect to see exciting new advances that will shape the future of medicine and improve the lives of people around the world.

Picoscopy is a scientific field that involves using ultrafast lasers to manipulate the electronic and vibrational properties of materials at the nanoscale. This technology can be used to study the behavior of molecules, cells, and tissues with unparalleled precision and resolution, enabling scientists to better understand the complex processes that underlie many diseases.


Quantum entanglement, on the other hand, refers to the phenomenon where two particles become linked in a way that their properties become correlated. This means that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This property allows for an unprecedented level of precision and control in molecular and cellular processes, which can be used to develop new drugs with increased efficacy and reduced side effects.


By combining the principles of picoscopy and quantum entanglement, scientists can study the behavior of molecules and cells in real time and with unprecedented precision. This opens up new avenues for the development of targeted and personalized medicine, as well as the discovery of new drug candidates. The ability to precisely control molecular and cellular processes also has the potential to significantly reduce the time and resources required for drug development, which could make new treatments more accessible and affordable for patients.


Overall, the field of picoscopy and quantum entanglement is still in its early stages of development, and there is much more research and development that needs to be done. However, the potential benefits of this technology for the pharmaceutical industry are significant, and it is likely that we will see continued advances in this area in the coming years.


Research Institute

QUANTUM PICO TECHNOLOGIES is the science of direct visualisation of picoscopic objects, which are molecules and atoms. This review presents a umber of direct pictoscopic images presented at international conferences and published in scientific journals. These are: molecules with their ionic chemical bonds, covalent and van der Waals chemical bonds; molecules with rotational motion; vibrational motion of atoms in a crystal lattice; quantum dots; semiconductors, in the structure of which we can see zones of conductors, semiconductors and insulators; solid solutions where silicon and germanium atoms are visually distinguishable; visual manifestation of dislocations in crystal; nanotubes, bulbs. The discovery of superdense two-layer graphite with the help of the Picoscope.

Research Center

3D Visualisation molekuls


Fast Results



The world scientific community is following with interest the development of a new field of science at the interface between quantum physics and molecular chemistry.
Scientists Oleksandr Kucherov and Andrii Mudryk have created a new quantum picoscopy periodic table replacing the obsolete Mendeleev Periodic Table by Dimitri Mendeleev.

Olexandr Kucherov and Andrey Mudryk

In this article, we present a discovery of the binary atomic structure. Through picoscopy experiments, it was revealed that electronic structure is divided into core and functional structures. Internal chemically neutral electrons form the core of an atom and are spherical in pink, while the outer functional electrons are elongated in green being chemically active. A spherical yellow layer separates these two parts. It significantly simplifies the Schrödinger equation and leads to a solution for all 118 chemical elements. As a result, the Kucherov-Mudryk formula w = n + ¾l was derived. That formula allowed for organizing the periodic table in ascending order of the whole energy where en electron first fills the level with the lowest energy, according to the Minimum Potential Energy general principle of nature.

Keywords:  Electron configuration, Periodic table of elements, Atomic structure, Multi-electron atom, Picoscopy, Minimum Potential Energy principle, Schrödinger equation, Electron energy level, Electron shell

Kucherov, O.P.; Lavrovsky, S.E. Direct visualization of molecular structure by the electron beam shifting effect. Information technology and special security., 2018, 2(004), 12–41.

Picoscopy is the science of direct visualisation of picoscopic
objects, which are molecules and atoms. This review presents a number of direct
pictoscopic images presented at international conferences and
published in scientific journals

Electron cloud densitometry of carbon allotropes is presented in this study. Carbon consists of two inner and four valence electrons. The valence electrons in carbon are hybridized or active. Each active valence electron builds a negatively charged shape due to their delocalization. It is proved that the active valence electron creates the van der Waals force, which bonds layers of crystalline graphite together. An easy quantum mechanical explanation of the electron cloud densitometry is given in this study. In accordance with this effect, an atom begins to illuminate, depicting its shape. Electron cloud densitometry images show the inner and valence electrons in the applied functional materials, such as activated coke, graphite, graphene, and diamond.Handelsman, J.

ANNOTATION: A direct visualisation of active valence electrons is presented. This explains the nature of chemical bonds. Each active valence electron builds a negatively charged shape by delocalising them. The paper shows that it is the active valence electron that creates the Van der Waals force that connects the layers of crystalline graphite. A simple quantum mechanical explanation of electron cloud densitometry is given.
According to this effect, an atom begins to glow, depicting its own shape. The densitometric image of an electron cloud shows a carbon atom with all six electrons. The presence of active valence
electrons are shown in the densitometric images of the electron cloud of activated carbon, graphite, graphene and diamond.

World First site publication PICOSCOPY QUANTUM TABLE KUCHEROV A. &amp; MUDRYK A.

The elements from atomic numbers 0 (ukrainium) through 117 (tennessine) have been discovered or synthesized, complete seven full rows of the periodic table. The periodic table consists of 118 cells arranged into 32 vertical columns and seven horizontal rows. The position of an element is given by quantum numbers. In atoms, there are a total of four quantum numbers: the principal quantum number (n), the orbital angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number (m), and the electron spin quantum number (s).

In other words, the position of elements in the table is determined by the configuration of electrons on the outer shell. In other words, the position of elements in the table is determined by the configuration of electrons on the outer shell.

And in noble gases, all electrons are located on the inner shells. That is, the number of electrons in the outer shell is zero, they have zero valences. It follows that these elements must present the zero period. D.I. Mendeleev did exactly that in his table, fig. 1. Because they are reluctant to share electrons from their filled inner electron shells, noble gases are generally considered unreactive.

In other words, in the newest table of the transition elements of the Milky Way galaxy and the planet Earth, developed by Ukrainian scientists Kucherov O., Mudryk A., Lavrovsky S. which is shown in Picoscopy quantum table the position of elements in the table is determined by the configuration of electrons on the outer shell. In other words, the position of elements in the table is determined by the configuration of electrons on the outer shell.

Fig. 9. One single molecule of pentane С5Ua12

Fig. 9. One single molecule of pentane С5Ua12: a) atomography with a resolution of 10 pm [4]; b) wrong model of the pentane; c) true model of the pentane whea the atoms of ukranium (red points) have not the electron body.

Figures 9 show a C5H12 pentane molecule. Figure 9a shows the atomography of the electron clouds densities ρ(x, y) of the molecule with resolution of 10 pm. The atomography shows all five electron clouds around the carbon atoms of the pentane molecule. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the nucleus of hydrogen atoms devoid of electron clouds and, accordingly, hydrogen atoms are invisible in the atomography. The bond length between carbon atoms in the pentane molecule is 154 pm and the angle between them is 112°. Figure 24b shows a model of the C5H12 pentane molecule, obtained as a result of X-ray diffraction analysis.

Our Work

Our scientific teams will help you and your companies and institutes to look into the real world of molecules, to see new 3D views of molecules and, knowing the structure of the molecule more accurately, to create new materials with predictable and computational, including the possibility of designing with the help of new materials based on analytical picoscopy and its software products based on Neural Networks and (AI&IoT) artificial intelligence with new properties and abilities developed by our team that created the PICOSCOPY® technology.

The possibility of scientifically predictable on the basis of the latest scientific research methodology and results in materials science.
Make a molecular quantum leap in your knowledge and research results get more accurate and visualized with the help of 3d picoscopy technology. com at the molecular level pictures of the researched and developed materials and thanks to the latest direction in science as PICOSCOPY®, calculate and scientifically intelligent method with the help of innovative and latest approaches and physicochemical and mathematical apparatus and a cascade of formulas and expert neural networks and artificial intelligence to create new materials with hitherto unknown and unattainable properties.


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Picoscopy is a visualization technology of the atomic universe With our PICOSCOPY technology we can look beyond what is achievable with modern science and electron microscopes and create new materials at the PIKO level !
On the basis of the PICOSCOPY technology it is possible to produce chips at 0.01 nm !
To make new types of materials such as transparent bulletproof metals with a thickness of 0.1 mm!
And much more !
Contact us and we will solve your problems!

journal articles
research members

About PICOSCOPY technology

Built on electron beam shifting effect, the picoscope with resolution of 10 picometers demonstrates fascinating ability to directly visualize the density of electron clouds molecules together with chemical bonds. It results in the appearance of long-awaited visual molecular technologies. Densitometry of electron density is used to show the structure of crystalline graphite with visualization of σ-bonds formed by overlaping the sp2 chemical bonds of carbon atoms, and a system of weak π-bonds that connects the layers of graphite. The article also presents new superdense two-layered diamond-like carbon allotrope, which is proposed to designate rudenite. In the rudenite, each carbon atom forms four strong sp3 chemical bonds as in the structure of diamond, but since the layers are pressed at a distance of 100 picometers, it should have a density of 1.3 times greater than that of diamond.

Project 1: Ukrainium Ua0 is the zero element in D.I. Mendeleev's periodic system

Ukraunium the hurricanes power system. Ukrainian Ua0 is the zero element in D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of
chemical elements. 

Author and creatures of theory: Olexandr Kucherov, Andrii Mudryk.

1.1. Information forces create a hurricane.
Among all natural catastrophes which take place on Earth, the greatest danger is caused by hurricanes/cyclones. Longterm studies conducted by the National Hurricane Center,
Colorado State University, National Oceanic, Atmospheric Administration and many other
groups [14], allow us to learn deeply the spectral and thermodynamic materials. But as there is no adequate model, the frontal attack on the hurricanes, adopted by “Storm Fury” and conducted for twenty years from 1963 to 1983 ended in a failure.

2.1. Problems of the thermodynamics model Extensive research allowed us to investigate the causes and births of hurricanes zones, their height and ways of movements, to describe their structure and dynamic. These “pricks”
for a whirlwind energy which is about 1017 J with a frontal closeness about 100 J/cm2 were rather weak. Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane investigations allowed us to build a capable working model of prognoses of hurricanes appearances.

As a result of wide research of birth, development, and fading of hurricanes, the volume of various measuring of physical parameters is accumulated. Repetition of data confirms their high truth. These results show that in hurricanes there are such processes which thermodynamics theory is not able to describe. We will specify them. Warm, dry, and transparent air in the eye of hurricane comes down from troposphere, becoming moist and cold near the surface of the ocean [47]. Moist and cold air rises from the surface of the ocean along the eye wall of a hurricane with an increasing speed creating here a tangential  force to wind [33,34].

Hurricanes make highly charged electric clouds which can burst by lightings. Hurricanes rotate in opposite directions in different hemispheres, and the Earth magnetic field is opposite in two hemispheres. During the most studies, Gulf of Mexico hurricanes tend to migrate dominantly northward in the Earth magnetic direction field [48]. If the hurricane forms a giant system of magnets, this behavior seems to be logical.

2.2. Energy source of hurricanes
The studies of hurricanes by a spectral technique (polarimetry, infrared and mass
spectroscopy) have showed that the ruling material force make the warm water molecules
become an energy source of hurricanes[18].

The informative reality theory describes the fact of the presence of magnetic properties
in revolving water molecules. The rotation of positive protons creates a solenoid, as shown
on figure 3. The informing reality process forms a giant system of magnets. Solenoids cluste

Project 2: Graphene Supercapacitors + Lithium Battery

Graphene supercapacitors + lithium battery – the perfect pair.
Researchers Kucherov Alexandr. and Mudryk Andrii.
Graphene supercapacitors, which combine the unique benefits of colossal energy storage in a short period of time and its rapid return, in combination with lithium batteries can significantly reduce the weight of the unit and significantly increase the mileage and power of electric vehicles.
Researchers Kucherov A. and Mudrik A. have developed a theoretical and scientific basis for the production of modified with metal oxide or  semiconductors and other types of metals graphene foam, which can be used to increase the performance of supercapacitors (both density and charge time) and other nano semiconductor components devices.
Researchers Kucherov Alexander and Mudrik Andrew have developed a picoscope technology with expert software neural network advisors, which allows to fix structures inside the nanotube,determine conductivity and increase its accuracy of electron transfer and purity of material in graphene nanotube to 0.999.
This results in supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene composite materials GIGAHARDNANOFOAM®,  which combine high energy consumption and low cost. The specific capacity of the device is three times higher than that of a capacitor with a pure nanotube.
The researchers explain that the hybrid structure is useful because graphene flakes provide a large surface area and good conductivity in the plane, while carbon nanotubes connect all structures to form a single network. And their three-dimensional structuring in 3D space will determine the conductivity on the structures of ionic and electronic transitions at the pnp level,
so real visualization of fields and electronic clouds of interactions can give more accurate understanding to developers at the ionic and atomic levels. Thus superprocessors in 3D space, which increase the density of transistors by 1 nM3. stereo picoscopy and 3D electronic force field for the construction of nanostructures based on the production of modified oxide metal or semiconductors and other types of metals graphene foam. This will be the biggest breakthrough in the systems of electronic components of their controlled and fixed structure through picoscopic technology. Based on these In this technology it is possible to obtain 3D processors with particle size higher than 3 nM 3. In the force field it will be possible to build structured electronic structures based on graphene and graphene foam modified by oxide of metals and corrosion inhibitors. Control over the accuracy
of the booth in the force electron field can be carried out using a picoscope, and the electronic expert system can prevent any type of defects in the process of production, It can also analyze any type of guide to create new nano-elements in the construction of new PIKO electronics.
The investigators also developed a method of obtaining and controlling the quality at the nano
level by means of the GIGAHARDEXPERT ® expert system and the PICOSСOPY ® technology.

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